They say that Obereisenheim is the village in the Würtzburg area that hosts the most festivals. We are going to add to that list of festivals! With the help of our friends in Obereisenheim and the help of Bornmans in South Africa.
At the moment the Bornman Fest in Obereisenheim is only an idea and a dream but we believe that we can make it happen within the next 5 years. Possible activities for the Bornman Fest can be * Family Fest Wine Festival * Wine tasting at one of the local wine cellars * Attending a church service in the parish church Obereisenheim * Historic walk through Obereisenheim * Picnics and walks in the vineyards * Bicycle rides to the neighboring villages * Cruise boat ride on the Main River *, etc. There are so many possibilities.
We would like your input and ideas and - very important - if you would join us for the festival. At the moment our thoughts are:
Everybody will make their own travel arrangements and accommodation arrangements. We will supply a full list of accommodation available in Obereisenheim and if necessary in neighboring villages. A Obereisenheim/Bornman Fest committee will organize all the events. A list will be supplied before the time so you can book the activities you would like to do. Their will be a registration fee to cover administration cost and all proceedings of the activities and festival will go to the village of Obereisenheim.
Please go to the contact us page and mail me your views and ideas!